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Standards of Practice in Felinotherapy - homes and institutions
Standards of Practice in Felinotherapy - homes and institutions
Standards of Practice AAI - Felinotherapy in institutions and families
Prepared by:
Nezávislý chovatelský klub - Independent Breeders Club
Havlíčkova 590/5
293 01 Mladá Boleslav
ID 67 67 72 12
DIC 67 67 72 15
e-mail: nchk@centrum.cz
1. Introduction
Animal-assisted intervention - AAI - felinotherapy is a method of zootherapy. It is the basic activity of the Independent Breeders Club.
The standards of practice can be divided into the following basic headings:
1. Internal
2. External
Internal standards are the standards given by the club regulations. They can be divided into the following sub-areas:
1. Independent Breeders Club
2. Handler working in AAI
3. Therapy cat working in AAI
External standards are based on :
1. the current veterinary and legal regulations in the Czech Republic
2. The internal regulations of the target facility
2. Internal standards of practice
Independent Breeders Club
The Independent Breeders Club is an interest-based voluntary breeders club of cat breeders, owners and protectors who are involved in or support AAI - zoo-rehabilitation.
The club is a legal entity under Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, with the right to act in legal relations on its own behalf, with legal and property liability arising from these relations.
The Society has its own internal regulations, in particular the Statutes, the Regulations for the Protection of Cats in Public Appearance and Seduction, the Regulations for the Protection of Cats in Breeding, the AAI Methodologies - Felinotherapy for various activities and the AAI Standards of Practice.
The Independent Breeders Club is a member of the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants and the International Felinotherapy Association,z.s..
Handler working in the field of AAI - Felinotherapy in institutions and families
Must be a member of NCHK for at least 1 year and be over 18 years of age. Proves his/her good character by an annual criminal record statement. Must complete the mandatory training courses - Felinotherapy Theory I and Felinotherapy Training and pass the exams. He/she must complete the supervision of the training prescribed in the methodology, provide photo and video documentation of the individual sessions within the AAI and receive continuous education in the given field - education completed in the Czech Republic and abroad is recognized. They must complete other supervisions defined in the NCHK Methodology for AAI - Felinotherapy.
Handler's rights
- rights given by the NCHK Statutes
- Refuse to participate in the NS without explaining the reasons. However, this refusal must be communicated to the facility's key person at least 24 hours before the planned intervention.
- refuse to participate in the NS for medical, veterinary or serious personal reasons. However, this refusal must be communicated to the facility key person at least 24 hours before the planned intervention
- carry out their own research and observations, the design of which they will submit at least one month in advance to the NCHK herd book (NCHK management) and which they will defend to the herd book staff and which the management of the facility agrees to carry out, if such research is required.
- be present at the supervision for the AAI
Duties of the handler
- duties as set out in the NCHK Statutes
- attend mandatory training and internships as required
- To perform AAI conscientiously and, if unable to attend for serious reasons, to notify NCHK management and the key person at the facility well in advance
- report any changes to the team to NCHK management without delay
- keep video or photographic documentation of the intervention, or a written record if necessary
- comply with the Data Protection Act (GDPR)
- keep evidence of vaccinations, deworming, microchip implantation (vaccination card, international animal passport) and inform about any veterinary interventions performed on the cat and changes in its health status.
- to comply with the applicable veterinary and sanitary regulations and laws in force in the Czech Republic
Penalty fee
There is a penalty fee for violation of handler duties, the amount of which is approved by the NCHK annual or special meeting.
Termination or suspension of the AAI team
- Upon the team leader's own request. This request must be made in writing to the NCHK, which will promptly issue a decision on the suspension or termination.
- due to serious violation of the laws of the Czech Republic, the NCHK Statutes or the AAI Methodology ( unreliability, violation of veterinary and hygiene regulations, animal cruelty, sale of animals for experimental purposes). The decision to terminate an activity is made by an extraordinary NCHK membership meeting at the initiative of the NCHK Studbook. If the majority of the members present vote to prove the reasons for termination, the license for NS Handler in NCHK will not be renewed. The handler's membership in the NCHK is also terminated and will not be renewed.
- due to the death of the handler
Therapy cat incorporated into AAI - felinotherapy
- Only cats over 1 year of age that have been examined by a veterinarian who issues a certificate of eligibility to participate in AAI at the institution may be included in AAI. Regular annual vaccination is required according to the vaccination schedule depending on the current veterinary regulations (parvovirus, calicivirus, herpesvirus), possibly chlamydia, rabies (at the time of the revision of the Norm of Practice in 2023, rabies does not occur in the Czech Republic and vaccination is not mandatory) and others. It is also required:
1. regular deworming 2 - 4 times a year depending on the feeding method,
2. the use of anti-parasitic agents if the cat may encounter other animals in the facility or may be allowed to roam the facility's garden
3. genetic testing for breeds with a higher incidence of inherited diseases (PKD for all breeds, HCM for Ragdolls, Maine Coon), or sonographic testing as recommended by a veterinarian if genetic testing is not available (HCM for other breeds)
4. video recording of the cat's daily life to assess how it is being kept, cared for (no inclusion of animals with free, uncontrolled outdoor exercise allowed)
5. recording videos of basic training elements : handling the cat, touching different parts of the body, clicker training and use of different training elements, enrichment, putting on and taking off the harness, clipping claws, getting in and out of the carrier or stroller, interacting with familiar and unfamiliar people in the home environment, travelling, interacting with strangers, etc.
- The owner completes the Fe-BARQ test form for the cat at the University of Pennsylvania Fe-BARQ: Feline Behavioral Assessment & Research Questionnaire (upenn.edu) . This test serves as a basic screening test and is repeated annually or whenever necessary (emotional problems, trauma, surgery, illness, etc.).
- The cat's behaviour is then assessed during a joint supervision session between the NCHK handlers and the cat owner and if the cat's behaviour meets the conditions set out in the NCHK Methodology for AAI- Felinotherapy in Institutions and Families, the cat is enrolled in AAI.
- Video screening of the cat's behaviour is continuous throughout the cat's activity in the AAI.
Characteristics of therapy cats, conditions of their breeding
Preference is given to animals with a mild, balanced character, friendly to people, seeking contact with them. The cats must be fully socialised, preferably living in an apartment or house with a protected enclosure without limiting the possibilities of contact with humans. We cannot recommend animals with free, uncontrolled runs, animals from breeding farms where there is a high turnover of animals, animals living in shelters, animals from defective sanitary and nutritional conditions. In the case of animals taken from shelters, after veterinary examinations, the necessary tests for toxoplasmosis or other diseases (FIP, FeLV, FIV) and appropriate quarantine, there is no objection to their inclusion in the AAI.
Age limit
The minimum age limit for a cat is one year ( four months for starting in training ). There is no upper age limit, it depends on the health of the cat.
Breed affiliation
It is not determined, it can be animals without pedigree. What is important is the strong emotional bond between the handler and his cat, the trust between them, the teamwork and the character qualities of the handler and the animal. However, experience shows that certain breeds have certain character traits that can influence the course and success of an AAI intervention.
Veterinary and hygiene considerations
These are determined by the Code of Practice for Seduction and Public Performance and the Code of Practice for the Protection of Cats in Breeding.
It is mandatory to microchip cats working in AAI.
The method of feeding of cats working in the NCHK is not specified, feeding of natural moist fleshy diet or quality dry food is preferred according to the breed, age of the animal and its health condition.
The use of litter or type of litter is not specified. Cleanliness of the cat, carrying out the needs to the designated place is a condition.
3. External standards of practice
Applicable veterinary and legal regulations in the Czech Republic
Act on Veterinary Care and on Amendments to Certain Related Acts (Veterinary Act) (full text), Regulation No. 166/1999 Coll.
Act No. 501/2020 Coll., amending Act No. 246/1992 Coll., on the protection of animals against cruelty, as amended, and Act No. 634/2004 Coll., on administrative fees, as amended.
Other laws in force in the Czech Republic.
Internal regulations of the target establishment
These are mainly the internal regulations of the facility or, where appropriate, an agreement with the management of the facility on certain specific conditions.
NCHK provides the following documentation to contracted facilities or contractors:
- A copy of the NCHK statutes, the articles of incorporation
- Copy of the AAI Methodology - Felinotherapy according to its type
- Copies of pedigrees of animals, if available, microchip numbers of therapeutic cats, updated photocopies of vaccination certificates, confirmation of genetic tests for hereditary diseases and their results for therapeutic cats of exposed breeds
- Copies or originals of the Criminal Record Excerpts of the respective handlers
A contract with each facility for the provision of AAI - felinotherapy ( if it is a long term activity) or at least a cover letter with an offer and description of the service provided and the facility's response of approval.
4. Conclusion
The standards of practice for AAI - felinotherapy in institutions and families developed by NCHK are valid for 2023.
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